Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Our response to parental authority, as a child & a youth, often indicates our future response to other authority.
(submitting, learning, obeying, being perfected)

It is likely, if a child or youth responds with loving
submission to parental authority, that child will be able to submit to other authority, while still a child and as an adult.

It is a mistake to think that submission (especially submission that arises from love) is a weakness. Submission to authority is a NORMAL, HEALTHY response. I use "normal" in the sense of man's attitude and nature at creation and also in salvation (especially after entire sanctification). The earlier a person enters into salvation and follows the Christian life of submission to legitimate authority (God, parents, law, teachers, leaders, bosses), the easier it is to submit as an adult, and the more likely it is to have loving, peaceful, respectful relationships with others.

Early submission to authority not only prepares people to serve others and contribute to group harmony but it also prepares them to be good leaders. Being a good follower is important to becoming a good leader.

If a person was not a submissive child or youth, then a greater part of their salvation will be involved in delivering them from self assertion and rebellion. When people do not eagerly accept God's work of changing their attitude as well as their actions, then those people will not flourish in grace.

Learning obedience is a good thing as a young person, since submission to authority is a lifelong reality. Even Jesus learned obedience. Jesus was not rebellious, either by nature or choice, but he willingly yielded to authority as a boy and as a young man. This is manifested in His willingness to suffer in His redemptive work.

If Jesus, Who was perfect and never had a rebellious leaning or action, learned obedience, and if He suffered in His submission to the Father's will, then it is incumbent for us to learn and suffer also.

Hebrews 5:8-9
8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

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