I will address our beliefs more fully, through articles, sermons and studies, but this will give you an idea or our theological and doctrinal position. If you have questions about what we believe, either contact my email address,
It is difficult to use the terms, "Fundamentalist" and "Evangelical" because they are used differently today than previously. "Fundamentalist" has assumed a hard and harsh, legalistic tone and "Evangelical" is now associated with those who do not believe in the infallible/inerrant/inspired word of God. Even the term, "Bible Believing" is used by groups, which are outside of the historic/orthodox Christian faith (such as non-Christian cults). However, I will use some terms and explain them briefly.
As Fundamentalist, we believe the Bible to be the infallible, inerrant and inspired (God breathed) revelation of God. We believe the fundamental, foundational teachings of the Bible. We believe the Bible is the only authoritative revelation of God.
As Evangelical, we believe everyone has sinned and sin separates everyone from God. God loves this sinful world so much that He has provided reconciliation to those who believe in the sacrificial death and physical resurrection of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. We believe that faith in the sacrificial death and physical resurrection is the only way to be reconciled with God.
As Wesleyan/Arminian, we believe God enables non-believers to believe in Christ, confess their sins and turn from darkness to light. God saves us from the penalty, power and pollution of sin, through the indwelling and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. God saves us from legalism and sinning religion.
God created humans to live forever and He created us as free moral agents. With these great privileges comes the responsibility to make right choices. God holds us accountable for the way we live our lives. Christ physically rose from the dead and He will raise everyone from the dead, either to eternal life or eternal judgment, based on their faith relationship with Christ.
The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself and His dealings with mankind. It is inerrant and infallible in it’s autographs (original writings.) It is contained in the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament. In these 66 books are recorded all that is essential to salvation and the knowledge of God. There is nothing extra and there is nothing missing. It is the final authority on anything to which it speaks and is to be trusted and followed in both faith and practice.
There is only one God. He exist in three Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three persons are co-equal and co-eternal. Since this “tri-unity” revelation of God is beyond human comprehension, it can only be accepted and understood by faith in the Biblical record concerning Him.
The Bible clearly teaches that there is only one God. The Bible clearly teaches that the Father is God and that the Son is God and that the Holy Spirit is God. Since there is only one God, these three persons must be the one true God.
He is Invisible; Spirit; Architect of the universe; Executive Director of all affairs and loving Giver of His Son. Much can be learned about the Father by considering what was said by the Son in the model prayer He taught His disciples. (see the “Lord’s prayer” Mt.6:9-13.)
Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God. As God, He has always existed and always will. One with the Father, He became a man in order to rescue mankind from their dark night of sin and bring us back to the God we had deserted. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and gave Himself to die for a sinful race. He rose from the dead physically, conquering sin, death and hell for all who would trust Him as their Deliverer. He will return from heaven to rule over His kingdom for one thousand years and then will reign forever as King of kings and Lord of lords over a new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem.
He is God. He is a Person and not a mere influence. He is vitally involved in every area of our salvation: He convicts and convinces us of our sin against God, He imparts faith so that we may believe that Jesus died and rose again. He gives us life, enables us to obey and follow His leadership, He purifies our hearts, empowers us for service, imparts spiritual abilities to do spiritual work, teaches us to pray and fills us with perfect love. He is our essential connection to the Father and the Son, therefore we must guard our relationship with Him; do not quench Him, grieve Him, insult Him or blaspheme Him.
He was created for greatness, but he rebelled against God’s authority and has been estranged from God ever since.
Adam, the first man, was created in the likeness of God. He was both created and made. The physical part of Adam was made from the dust of the earth and the spiritual part was imparted directly from God Himself. Man was created as body, soul and spirit. However, Adam lost his likeness to God when disobeyed God.
Adam’s nature was corrupted in his rebellion (known as The Fall). His descendants, all of mankind, inherited their likeness from a Fallen Adam. Man is still body, soul and spirit, however, he is corrupted and polluted in his nature. Death is the fortune of all mankind, therefore all of man’s nature suffered loss.
The nature of man is referred to as “Human Nature.” However, man is also the heir to a nature which was not built into Adam. We have inherited from Fallen Adam a natural tendency to rebel against God. This inherited tendency is often called Sinful Nature.
In God’s saving work, our Human Nature can be redeemed but Sinful Nature can only be done away. Adam was created with Human Nature. Jesus was born with Human Nature. God rescues Human Nature. Jesus took Human Nature to heaven. We will spend eternity with God in our redeemed Human Nature.
Adam was not created with Sinful Nature. Sinful Nature is an attitude of rebellion which found residence in Adam upon his disobedience. Sinful Nature is passed on to all of Adam’s children. Sinful Nature cannot be redeemed. Sinful nature can be destroyed. Sinful Nature cannot go to heaven.
Man is unable to restore himself to a right relationship with God. However, God gives mankind the ability to believe and accept His offer of salvation.
Delivering someone from an uncontrollable oppressor is salvation. Delivering men from Satan, sin and self is divine salvation. After man’s initial rebellion against God, he was not able to return to God. God, though despised and rejected by man, initiated a search and rescue mission. Man was overcome by Satan, sin and self: Jesus intervened in man’s behalf and delivered man from these three enemies. Jesus has brought us from death to life (Jn.5:24), from darkness to light (Jn.8:12), and from devil to Lord (Ac.26:18). God has given us a salvation from sin, not a salvation in sin. Man’s whole being is saved by the mercy of God and the death and resurrection of Jesus. Though man cannot save himself, God has devised a plan in which there are two sides, the Divine and the human. The Divine side partially includes; forgiveness, cleansing, regeneration and adoption. The human side, by God’s enabling, includes; repentance, confession, faith and obedience. We are saved by grace unto good works. The purpose of God in salvation is to “conform” us to the image of His dear Son, Jesus Christ. Salvation is not only salvation from sin, it is salvation to being pure, holy and righteous just as Jesus is pure, holy and righteous. Man cannot attain to these high and godly qualities by his own power, but when the Holy Spirit is allowed to work freely in our lives we become partakers of so great salvation.
The Church is the Building, Body and Bride of Christ. The Church is comprised of those who have a living and active faith in Jesus Christ and are walking in obedience to His will. The Church recognizes only Jesus as the Head of the Body, and obeys only Him.
We believe Christ may return at any time. His second coming is in two phases, The Rapture and The Return. The Rapture is when Christ raises believers from the dead and transforms living believers into their resurrection bodies and catches them away physically from this world to meet Him in the air. Jesus will preside at the Judgment seat, where believers will be rewarded for their works of faith. During this time there will be the Seven Years of Tribulation on the earth. After the Tribulation Christ will Return to judge the nations and rule from Jerusalem for a literal one thousand years. Following the millennial reign of Christ on earth there will be a final human rebellion against God, resulting in the earth being destroyed by fire. All those who have not accepted God’s salvation through Christ will be judged according to their deeds and separated from God forever. There will be a New Heaven, a New Earth and a New Jerusalem.
Please feel free to ask about our beliefs, we will be glad to share them with you.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2019. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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