My friends have varying views of Christianity (anti, non, cultural, converted, committed, passionate) I try to write to all.
(see below)
I say this because some may wonder why I reiterate basic truths. But the fact is, not everyone actually knows the most basic truths. Also, the basic truths are true for the most advanced believers as well. In fact, it is possible that my basic statements might encourage my most informed friends share with their own unsaved friends.
I also post the most basic of Biblical truths because I am fully persuaded that open communication of the gospel message is coming to an end in our society. We must tell the basic truths now, in every way that we can, while we can.
I also believe several Biblical truths that have been abandoned by believers over the years.
The Bible teaches victory over sin.
Accountability for sin (even from Christians).
All infants have been saved from sin's separation but lose that salvation when they choose to sin at an older age, at which time they must believe, repent, confess, follow Jesus.
Sin separates from God. God separates from sin.
God forgives justifies and regenerates us at our conversion. Subsequently He purifies believers from all sin, in response to their total commitment.
Deliverance from the sinful nature and purity of heart.
Christian non-violence in a society that must also have police and military presence.
The infallible, inerrant word of God communicated in the autographs and discernible through honest, spiritual and scholarly study (as led by the Holy Spirit).
The absolute Lordship of Christ over His Church (local and universal), as well as over His people individually.
The fact that God has assigned certain positions of authority to men (heads of households, pastors of churches). Neither male or female is in a place of superiority, but there are positions of authority better suited for both genders.
Though it should be self evident, I also teach the basic doctrines of Christianity:
One God.
One God in Three Persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
The virgin birth of Jesus.
The sinless life of Jesus.
The atoning, sacrificial death of Jesus.
The physical resurrection and ascension of Jesus.
Salvation is only available through Christ.
The present intercession of Jesus.
Christ is the only Head of the Church.
The fullness of the Holy Spirit that purifies the heart from all sin.
The leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit.
The spirit of the saved go to be with Jesus at time of death and the spirit of the unsaved are held in hell until the final judgment, and then they are cast into the Lake of Fire, forever.
The coming rapture and return of Jesus Christ.
The seven years of Tribulation after the rapture of the Church.
Conversion of Israel and multitudes from the nations during the Tribulation.
The physical return of Jesus and the judgment of the nations.
The resurrection of believers, to reign with Christ during His Thousand Year Reign.
The Thousand Year Reign of Christ in the world.
The final conflagration, end of world as we know it and The Great White Throne Judgment of all the unsaved of all history.
The casting of all non believers into eternal suffering in the Lake of Fire.
A New Heaven and New Earth and New Jerusalem and eternity for believers, with God.
I realize I did not cover everything, but this should give a basic overview of our position.
If you have questions about our beliefs, please ask.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2019. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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