EPHESIAN BIBLE STUDY (less than 15 minutes)
INTRODUCTION TO STUDY VIDEOS (this 1ST paragraph is not in the video).
I intend (the Lord willing) to use this casual approach throughout this video study of the book of Ephesians. These will be pointed studies of very short portions (occasionally addressing several verses in context). I may video from various locations. I often do videos from my DASH-CAM because it gets me out of the house and away from the computer. Since I don't have a "church facility" I don't have an office, therefore my car often serves as my getaway office. I don't wear a tie or get dressed up for my video presentations. I am not any smarter or holier when I wear Sunday-Go-To-Meeting clothes. If it bothers you to see me teach the word and speak of God in such a relaxed setting, just close your eyes. By the time you wake up maybe there will be a video of the Pope giving a stirring presentation in Latin (hehehe). Since these are more impromptu presentations, I sometimes make mistakes or misstate something. I try to come back and correct these errors in my notes.
Ephesians 1:1
1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
Bible translations. Two basic approaches. Formal (intended to be more consistent with the original language text, supposedly "word for word") and Functional (intended to convey the idea of the passage rather than the exact wording).
I prefer Formal because it is closer to what God actually said, but Functional sometimes helps us understand sometimes idioms, which do not make sense when translated word for word.
KJV, NASB (1971) and a couple of other Formal translations are my favorites.
Different translation are usually done in differing formats, which can be helpful in Bible studies also.
This study addresses Eph. 1:1, though I refer to various portions of Scripture.
The letter came from Paul, regardless who the "scribe" or secretary was.
Paul acknowledges that the contents of this letter originated with God, and came through Christ. Paul communicated that which God communicated to him. The Bible is not man's words to men, but God's word to men.
Paul (previously known as Saul) was an APOSTLE, "a sent one." There were hundreds of disciples who followed Jesus in His earthly ministry, but we think of the 12 Disciples whom Jesus chose to be His coworkers. Disciple means "follower" and "learner." Except for Judas Iscariot, those 12 Disciples became the Apostles of the N. T. Another disciple was chosen to replace Judas, but eventually God added Paul to list of Apostles.
The Apostles and Prophets of the N.T. became God's chosen vessels of revelation and communication (including Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, Peter, Jude).
The teaching of these men, along with Jesus Christ, was called the Foundation of the Church, with Christ being the Chief Corner Stone.
Paul was sent by, from, through the authority of Jesus Christ. He was not self called, Church called. Paul was called and sent by Jesus Christ personally.
Paul was an Apostle by the will of God; not the will of Paul, the will of the other Apostles, the rest of the Church, but by the will of God.
Paul was a Christian killer. He was not initially a Christ believer, follower, lover. He was not a hero to other believers. HE WAS A CHRISTIAN KILLER.
Paul was the instrument of persecution which led to the stoning death of Stephen. After he saw to the execution of Stephen, Paul headed to Damascus.
On his way to Damascus, Jesus appeared and spoke with Paul, questioning Paul about his persecution of Christ.
Paul visually saw the bright light of Christ (which blinded him) and he audibly heard the words of Christ.
* Correcting a misstatement on video (7:20 to 7:30)
A man led blinded Paul to Damascus. God instructed Ananias to go to Straight Street to find Saul of Tarsus and minister to him.
Ananias found Saul, counseled him, prayed for him. Saul received his sight and the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Paul saw and heard Jesus physically. This was (and is) a requirement for being an Apostle.
Jesus and God the Father sent Paul.
Paul began to preach Christ immediately.
Paul, as a sent one from Christ, by the will of God, wrote to the Church at Ephesus.
Paul addresses this letter TO THE SAINTS. "Saint" means, "holy one."
It is of utmost importance to realize that the Bible is in toto God's message, revelation to His people. It is not our understanding of God's message, it is not our interpretation of God's message. IT IS GOD'S WORD. It is not the Church's word to the Church. It is God's word to the Church. The Bible is not a smorgasbord or buffet table, from which we can accept or reject what we approve. Some portions of the Bible are more essential to our salvation, but no Scripture can be rejected, based on human factors.
From the time of Constantine (at least), the organized, organizational Church (rather than the true, mystical body of Christ) started to make the Bible subject to the understanding, approval of man, rather than man subject to the Bible.
Constantine introduced or championed many views and actions that were contrary to God, the Holy Bible, the Son of God and the teachings of the New Testament.
Paul is very clear in saying that he was an chosen, sent from Christ, by the authority and will of the Father, to the holy ones of God.
The Constantinian churches (those that follow the lead of Constantine instead of Jesus), such as the Orthodox Churches, the Roman "Church," the Church of England and some "Protestant" churches give the "Church" authority over the Bible, rather than submitting to the Bible.
Being a believer means being a holy one. God not only forgives our sins, He also delivers and purifies us from our sins so that we are no longer under the domain of sin, no longer polluted by sin, no longer condemned by sin.
Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
His blood cleanses from all sin.
We are saints by saving grace. Not by performance of miracles. Not by the decision of a committee or council. We are saints, holy ones because God makes us holy and pure.
If you say you don't think you are a saint because you don't live like a saint, then you probably are not a saint.
Sin disqualifies us from being saints.
If you don't want to be holy, you don't want to be saved.
Salvation is not just forgiveness, it is Regeneration, Justification, Sanctification, Transformation; it is being Conformed to the image of God's Son.
The New Testament letters were written for all of the Church, from the time of the Apostles until the day when the Church is raptured into heaven.
Notice that Paul includes, "and to the faithful in Christ Jesus."
Faith and faithfulness are essential to a right relationship with God.
God reveals His word to those who believe Him, trust Him, follow Him, obey Him.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2019. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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