Saturday, April 6, 2019


The reason for Christian apologetics should be to win souls and spiritual ground, not simply win arguments.

When our objective (winning souls and spiritual ground) is understood , then our desire, preparation, drive, execution, attitude, and follow up will be Christlike.

There is far too much preaching, teaching, witnessing dedicated to winning arguments rather than delivering people from darkness.

If we convince a person to accept our point of view intellectually, without moving them spiritually in the right direction, then we have left the, "Christian" out of Christian Apologetics, and all we have is, "Apologetics."

While it is important to convince the REASON, which may be followed by the whole inner man being convinced, it is also possible that a person can be hardened to truth by simply accepting truth intellectually.

The whole inner man (soul) is more than REASON. The inner man is REASON, DESIRE, CONSCIENCE, EMOTION and WILL.

We are told to persuade men, convince men, prove to men. But our objective is the winning of the whole man to Christ.

Imparting knowledge is just part of shedding or imparting light. Knowledge can lead to salvation, but light, personal awareness of truth, is essential to salvation.

Being a Light bearer requires our own enlightenment, nurtured by study, submission and seeking God through prayer. We must be filled with His love, light, life in order to be good witnesses.

Personal and corporate worship, study, fellowship, service are essential to our own spiritual life and strength.

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